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100 Years of Science Fiction, Book One (1)

Pan Books, 1977
  • angol
  • 226 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • ISBN: 0330029827
  • Szállító: Weöres Antikvárium
  • Apró szamárfül

Knight's first professional sale was a cartoon drawing to a science-fiction magazine, Amazing Stories. His first story, "Resilience", was published in 1941. He is best known as the author of "To Serve Man", which was adapted for The Twilight Zone. He was a recipient of the Hugo Award, founder of the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA), cofounder of the National Fantasy Fan Federation, cofounder of the Milford Writer's Workshop, and cofounder of the Clarion Writers Workshop. Knight lived in Eugene, Oregon, with his wife Kate Wilhelm.