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Parenthood - Barefoot Bride

Silhouette, 1996
  • angol
  • 249 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • ISBN: 9780373240739
  • Szállító: Weöres Antikvárium
  • Gerincen enyhe törés, könyvtest enyhén jobbra dől, olvasott példány
  • kopottas

Reed Morgan, widowed with 2 daughters, finds a barefoot woman with amnesia in a bridal dress on a gravel road near his ranch in northern CA. He takes her in and she enchants them all. They fall in love, but then her memory is jolted when her parents show up. She comes back after remembering and straightening out everything.