Speech Production and Perception
- angol
- 326 oldal
- Kötés: papír / puha kötés
- jó állapotú antikvár könyv
- Szállító: Vegyenkönyvet Antikvárium
This book aims to develop a framework for a fully explanatory theory of speech production and speech perception. It emphasises the difference between static models (primarily descriptive) and dynamic models that attempt to show how the basic linguistics and phonetics are related in an actual human speaker/listener.
MARK TATHAM is Professor of Linguistics at Essex University, UK.
KATHERINE MORTON is at the Department of Linguistics, University of Essex, UK.
Mark Tatham and Katherine Morton have taught and researched in the area of speech production and perception for a number of years. They have specialized in the development of the basic theory of speech, seeking to integrate the various cognitive and physical approaches to the subject area. They have published numerous papers in the area, as well as two recent books: Expression in Speech: Analysis and Synthesis (2004) and Developments in Speech Synthesis (2005).