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The Encyclopedia of Superstitions - Saját kép

Helicon, 1995
  • angol
  • 384 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Alba Antik Litera Kft.
  • Képgarancia, saját kép.

Képgarancia: Alba Litera saját kép.
Író/Szerző: Christina Hole
Kiadó: Helicon Publishing
Kiadás éve: 1995
Oldalszám: 384
Kötés: Puhatáblás
Nyelv: Angol
Állapot: jó
Méret: 15 cm x 23 cm

Do you avoid walking under a ladder, or touch wood to ward off misfortune? It may not be logical, but underlying these irrational beliefs are centuries of long-forgotten ways of thought--and many affect us still. This classic and thoroughly delightful reference explores the origins of hundreds of superstitions, and many of the entries read like short stories in themselves. Here are the charms once in daily use in dairy and kitchen; spells used by witches--and against them; fairy lore and legend; folk remedies and customs of birth, marriage, and death. You'll discover why it's unlucky in some countries for a person to reveal his age; why ships have long been fitted with figureheads; why lettuce was believed to possess magical properties; and why a child born after its father's death was said to have healing powers. This is truly a collection to muse over...but expect an occasional chill down the spine.