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In the Rift

Baen Books, 1999
  • angol
  • 276 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • ISBN: 0671577913
  • Szállító: Weöres Antikvárium
  • Gerincen enyhe törés, könyvtest enyhén jobbra dől

Kate Beacham had had a bad day. After almost being assaulted in an alley by three masked bigots, she arrived home to find her beloved stallion lying dead in her driveway with a note reading YoU'Re nExt. Too tough a cookie to crumble, Kate got out her shotgun and loaded it. Then she saw the book on her nightstand -- a guide book to a place she had never heard of: Glenraven.When she opened it, words magically appeared: Get out of the house, quick. Still holding the shotgun, she obeyed; and saw riders on horseback gallop from a hole in midair, pursued by a nightmarish flying thing like a cross between a dragon and a shark. Good thing she had the shotgun, or there would have been no hope for Kate, the riders, and both their worlds.

Once before a woman from our world had saved the realm of Glenraven. Now another must do it again -- or her own world will be forfeit, too....