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Options for Europe (European Observatory on Health Care Systems)(Open University Press)

..., 2002
  • angol
  • 309 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • ISBN: 9780335209248
  • Szállító: Weöres Antikvárium
  • Szövegkiemelések, néhány jelölés
  • aláhúzásokkal

Egészségügyi ellátás finanszírozása: lehetőségek Európának (Egészségügyi Rendszerek Európai Megfigyelőközpontja) The question of how to generate sufficient revenue to pay for health care has become a serious concern for nearly all European policy-makers. This book examines the advantages and disadvantages of funding arrangements currently in use across Europe. Adopting a cross-national, cross-disciplinary perspective, it assesses the relative merits of the main methods of raising resources including: taxation; social, voluntary and supplementary forms of insurance; and self-pay including co-payments. Chapters written by leading health policy analysts review recent evidence and experience in both eastern and western Europe. This volume is introduced by a summary chapter which integrates conceptual issues in funding with an overview of the main advantages and disadvantages of each method of funding drawn from the expert chapters.