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Infrared the New Astronomy - Saját képek.

  • angol
  • 228 oldal
  • Kötés: vászon védőborítóban
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Alba Antik Litera Kft.
  • Tartalom a képeken (belelapozás) Saját képek.

The application of infrared techniques to astronomical observation is a recent innovation. It is also a difficult job better suited to physicits and engineers than to astronomers. The number of practising infrared stronomers is small and many of them have only recently emerged from the chrysalides of physics labratories. Because infrared touches all aspects of this copious science, from our parochial satellite to the farthest quasar, this book covers a wide range of topics. It was my intention that is should interest the scientist with a fairly broad knowledge of basic astronomy and the specialist more deeply concerned with one facet of astronomy. The inclusion of an extensive list of references should provide anyone with all the information he needs to delve deeper into that subject.